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Friday, May 27, 2011

Finally Rain

Received some rain this afternoon.  Debating on whether I should turn off the sprinklers for tomorrow morning.  Lawn looks great.  My wife is busily pulling weeds and reports daily on her progress.  She says pulling weeds is therapeutic.   And there is something about the sensation of uprooting an enemy to your yard.  There is satisfaction in that act.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

North Florida Rainfall

Temperatures are about 5 to 10 degrees hotter than normal this time of year combined with the fact that we haven't seen much rainfall (not since my last post) makes keeping the grass green a challenge.   A majority of our neighbors are struggling.  And although the land here used to be a vegetable farm, I am sure that they cleared all that good soil away and left us with stuff devoid of organic matter and nutrients.  Am thinking of ways we can amend the soil we have so next year is not such a great challenge.  Any thoughts?  I have an edger and am think of just cutting lines through the soil 1 or 2 feet apart and adding composted manure to the trench I dug...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Observation

Lawn looks great.  Thank God for the rain this past Saturday.  A real soaker.  Petunias planted by the Crepe Myrtle in the backyard are doing great.  Bright red.  Love annuals.  Lots of color.  We had a scare the past couple of weeks with the lack of rain and we think we have to deal with Nematodes, possibly P. Minor.  Will try include a link to the UF website.   We had all the symptoms, but didn't take soil samples.