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Saturday, July 9, 2011

This is What I remember about Florida

Afternoon rains.  We are in a cycle where storms roll through and dump rain during the afternoon hours.  With the concurrence of my significant other, I turned the sprinkler system off yesterday.  Feel like a genius.  Even though the weather report yesterday stated 70% chance of rain for today.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Slime Mold

Last weeks rains made conditions ripe for slime mold.  I had a few spots in the yard especially in some of the more shady areas.  According, to what I have read, there is no need to treat slime mold.  Just cut the grass and it will go away by itself.  Wish I had taken a pic.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Water Has Been Off For a Week

The sprinkler system for my lawn has been shut off for one week.  It has rained a number of days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Proud of myself for saving a little water.