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Saturday, July 9, 2011

This is What I remember about Florida

Afternoon rains.  We are in a cycle where storms roll through and dump rain during the afternoon hours.  With the concurrence of my significant other, I turned the sprinkler system off yesterday.  Feel like a genius.  Even though the weather report yesterday stated 70% chance of rain for today.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Slime Mold

Last weeks rains made conditions ripe for slime mold.  I had a few spots in the yard especially in some of the more shady areas.  According, to what I have read, there is no need to treat slime mold.  Just cut the grass and it will go away by itself.  Wish I had taken a pic.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Water Has Been Off For a Week

The sprinkler system for my lawn has been shut off for one week.  It has rained a number of days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Proud of myself for saving a little water.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Contrasting Picture

Picture showing the difference "Green Edge" can make.  My neighbors lawn on the left, mine on the right.  We both water at the same rate.  We both apply weed killers and bug killers.  My wife does spend more time weeding than anyone I know.  Today I spot applied "Green Edge" to- ironically enough - the edges of our lawn where the rotary spreader missed.  Hope my neighbor doesn't read my blog.  Figure the chances are better that he wins the lottery.  :-).

As I was Mowing

We applied a fertilizer about a month back called "Green Edge" made from composted bio-solids.  And during the rounds of pushing my cutting machine, I noticed areas in the grass where the fertilizer was applied light.  And where the fertilizer was applied in adequate amounts, the grass is lush and fully green, thick and almost difficult to mow.  Preferable for me, as I like to see where I mowed so I can follow the line on the next pass.  I hate mowing grass when it seems like I have to interpolate based on my guess of where I mowed last.  Of the fertilizers I have used, Green Edge out performs them all - including "Miracle Grow"  And somehow I feel better about using it knowing where it came from - waste.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Turned Off Sprinkler

  Due to the deluge this afternoon, I turned off the automatic sprinkler system for tomorrow.  First time this year.  Thinking of ways to save the water that just runs off into the river.

Rain on the Way...Yay!

It is coming as a thunderstorm, but rain is rain.  Should be getting to us in a few minutes if I am reading the radar correctly.