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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Contrasting Picture

Picture showing the difference "Green Edge" can make.  My neighbors lawn on the left, mine on the right.  We both water at the same rate.  We both apply weed killers and bug killers.  My wife does spend more time weeding than anyone I know.  Today I spot applied "Green Edge" to- ironically enough - the edges of our lawn where the rotary spreader missed.  Hope my neighbor doesn't read my blog.  Figure the chances are better that he wins the lottery.  :-).

As I was Mowing

We applied a fertilizer about a month back called "Green Edge" made from composted bio-solids.  And during the rounds of pushing my cutting machine, I noticed areas in the grass where the fertilizer was applied light.  And where the fertilizer was applied in adequate amounts, the grass is lush and fully green, thick and almost difficult to mow.  Preferable for me, as I like to see where I mowed so I can follow the line on the next pass.  I hate mowing grass when it seems like I have to interpolate based on my guess of where I mowed last.  Of the fertilizers I have used, Green Edge out performs them all - including "Miracle Grow"  And somehow I feel better about using it knowing where it came from - waste.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Turned Off Sprinkler

  Due to the deluge this afternoon, I turned off the automatic sprinkler system for tomorrow.  First time this year.  Thinking of ways to save the water that just runs off into the river.

Rain on the Way...Yay!

It is coming as a thunderstorm, but rain is rain.  Should be getting to us in a few minutes if I am reading the radar correctly.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


  It appeared as if we were in store for much of the wet stuff today.  I think one drop fell this morning.  Then the sun went to work and burned away the remainder of the clouds.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 to include this as the link.

98 degrees

  I don't remember it being this hot in the middle of June.  The weather forecast for this week has called for scattered thunderstorms.  Two days ago we received about half an inch of rain.  Helpful, but does not make much of a dent in how much rain we need.  Our rainfall average for June alone is over 5 inches.  According to one source for this month we are off the mark by over three inches.  I am including a link to weather information that many will find interesting and perhaps useful.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Looks Like Rain?

  The clouds to our west and north are looming dark.  Impending rain.  Yes.  According to the radar picture.  Hope we get at least an inch.

Radar Picture

The weather radar shows rain all around us.  Yet we seem remarkably dry.  It is overcast.  I do hear thunder.  I did see one or two rain drops, but not in the amount that the weather radar is depicting.  I know the Lord knows we need a good drenching.  So I pray for rain.  Rain makes everything seem a little cleaner, fresher, cooler.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Last Post For Today

  The sun is a red gumball in the sky.  This picture hardly does it justice.  Maybe I should spring for a better camera.  Take note of the reflection on the pond.

Tomato plants.

There are two ripe tomatoes behind the two that you see in the foreground.  I grasped them and easily removed them from the vine with a slight quarter turn.  Think I should have been a farmer or at least had a larger yard with no HOA restrictions. 

Picture of Seed Pods

You can clearly see the seed pods in the center of this photo.  It is a bit grainy because I had to crop out the rest of the photo for them to show up clearer.  Kinda look like asparagus, right?

Saint Augustine Grass Seeds

This year my Saint Augustine grass is producing a lot of seed pods.  Not even sure if that is the correct description.  It doesn't appear like all varieties produce seeds like this.  Is my variety unique?  They slightly detract from the lawns appearance.  Yet not totally unwelcome, as I hope they will produce grass in any bare areas we have.

Fresh Tomatoes

Is there anything as delicious as produce grown in your own garden?  Our tomatoes aren't uniform in size like the ones purchased at the local supermarket, but the flavor is superb.  Ate one about the size of a plum today.  Cut in half and salted.  So good.  Definitely am planting them again next year.  Wait, is there another season for vegetables here in Florida?

Friday, June 10, 2011

Need to Mow

My lawn is in desperate need of a mow.  I can hear the comments.  Why are you on the computer?  Good point.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wilting area

There was an area on my side lawn that appeared to be wilting as if from lack of water.  My first inclination was to check the spray nozzle covering that area.  Sure enough, the nozzle needed to be adjusted.  I am spot watering just that area as I heard from my better half, that the rest of the week looks to be dry.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

After rain picture

After the rain...
This is the picture I wanted to post earlier showing the results of after a summer shower earlier in the day.  Notice there are still areas where the grass is not completely even.  This is from dead areas from previous years.  They are starting to fill in.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Rained today

Isn't it amazing how great the lawn looks after a nice summer shower?  Trying to upload a photo of the lawn, but experiencing some problems.  Maybe later.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Heat Heat Heat

And I don't mean the Miami heat.  The heat of the sun these past couple of days has caused severe wilting in our St. Augustine lawn.  No rain for about two weeks.  Makes me a little irritable.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Yesterday Heat

Yesterday's heat started shriveling our St. Augustine grass.  It is good that we have a chance to water this morning.  Probably would have watered even if we weren't scheduled.
This is a tomato plant started from seed in March...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Green Everywhere

The Saint Augustine grass has been sending up seed heads.  It made mowing today a little slower going than usual.  Since the seed heads are thicker than the blades of grass, it slightly detracts from the lawn appearance.  Even so, the grass is doing well.  I attribute it to my wife's new passion for pulling weeds and the fertilizer I applied a week or two ago.  It is a product made from composted sludge, a JEA byproduct of sewer treatment.